Monday Schedule
Congratulations to you and your students on your qualification for the We the People National Finals! Educators are integral to the mission of the Center for Civic Education. Thank you for giving your time, talents, energy, and resources to your students to help prepare them not just for this competition, but for their future roles as educated and engaged citizens.
Below, please find a variety of useful documents pertaining to the structure of the competition and the agenda for the National Finals weekend.
**Please note, we will need you to fill out and submit the National Finals Class Roster, and the Student Model Release Form, both linked below under Forms for Teachers.**
All student travel will be coordinated through WorldStrides. Please see the WorldStrides National Finals Event Page for further travel details and to begin the process of arranging your class trip to Washington, D.C.
We look forward to seeing you and your students soon.

New for 2023!
Show your Civics pride with a limited edition "got civics" t-shirt. The perfect way to commemorate your We the People participation and to start great conversations about your experience! Place your order here:
Are you up for the #WeThePeopleChallenge?
Calling all students and teachers! In collaboration with NOTICE News, the Center for Civic Education is hosting a TikTok challenge from March 23 to April 19. The best video entries by an individual secondary student or a classroom will be in the running to receive a $250 Amazon gift card. One prize will be awarded in each category and judged on U.S. Constitutional, American history, current events knowledge, as well as production creativity. Winning videos will be announced at the Center's We the People National Finals on the evening of April 24, 2023, with social media announcements to follow.
Forms for Teachers
National Finals Class Roster (Return to
Student Model Release
Competition Information
Monday Schedule (top 10)
Rules of Competition
Tips for Teachers
Hearing Score Sheet
Hearing Questions
Division List
Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
National Finals Guidebook
Judge Group Assigments - Division A B
Judge Group Assigments - Division C D
Judge Group Assigments - Monday
Map - Hearing Rooms
Map - West Building
Guidelines for Visitors
Emergency Procedures
Students' opening statements for all three days of the competition are four minutes in length. Student notes are appropriate during opening statements. Judges' follow-up questioning on Saturday and Sunday is eight minutes in length and 10 minutes for the top 10 on Monday. During follow-up questioning students may not use notes.Scoring
The scoring team is responsible for tabulating the judges' electronically submitted score sheets for each of the classes. Each score sheet includes six criteria, and each criterion is worth ten points. The highest possible score for each score sheet is 60 points. Each unit is judged by three judges; therefore, the highest possible unit score is 180 points. Because there are six units, the highest possible class score is 1,080 points. Because classes testify on two days, the highest possible total class score is 2,160 points.
Classes qualify for the top 10 by earning combined scores from the first two days of competition. Those 10 classes advance to round 3 on Monday.The national winner is determined by doubling the third-day scores and adding them to the total scores for the first two days. The highest score possible for the National Finals is 4,320 points.
If I have any questions, who do I contact?
Emily Voss, Manager of National Programs and/or
Rebecca Reeder, National Finals Coordinator
2023 National Finals Awards Ceremony
Upcoming Livestreams
Join us online for the livestreams of the Top-10 Announcement (Sunday, April 23, at 9:15 pm ET) and the Awards Ceremony (Monday, April 24, at 8 pm ET). Just click on the links below at the appropriate time or sign up to be notified on YouTube. You can also watch the livestream on our Facebook page.
We the People National Finals Top-10 Announcement Livestream Link:
We the People National Finals Awards Ceremony Livestream Link:
2023 National Finals
Important Information
- Monday Schedule
- Event Overview
- Division List
- Hearing Schedule (all times EST)
- Hearing Questions
Contact Rebecca Reeder at
Contact Emily Voss at
This event is made possible by our sponsors:
National Finals Silver Sponsor
Scholastic Silver Sponsor
Scholastic Bronze Sponsors
Technology Sponsor
Media Sponsor