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See the Amazing Experience of We the People Competitions

The simulated congressional hearings, which form the experiential core of the We the People curriculum, take place in classrooms across the country. Some schools, however, take their classes to the next level, competing at state competitions and even the National Finals, held annually in Washington, D.C.

CITIZEN NATION Documentary Series

Episode 1: “Chasing Victory”
--watch the episode--

The premiere episode introduces contestants as they begin the school year. Two teams from Wyoming embody the state’s independent spirit. A Las Vegas team includes students whose families are recent immigrants from Nigeria, Thailand, and the Philippines. Maggie L. Walker Governor’s School in Richmond, VA, is the defending national champion and the team to beat.

Episode 2: “In the Fray”
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Episode 3: “The Hustle”
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Episode 4: “Agree to Disagree”
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Spectrum News Spotlights We the People Students

As part of their In US We Trust: A Crisis of Confidence series, Spectrum News spent time with We the People students from East Kentwood High School. They showed how civic education, particularly the We the People program, builds hope in the next generation of democratic leaders.

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Upcoming State Competitions

February 6, 2025: Rhode Island

February 7, 2025: Utah
Utah Valley University, Orem, Utah

February 11, 2025: District of Columbia


CCE LogoThis site is brought to you by the Center for Civic Education. The Center's mission is to promote an enlightened and responsible citizenry committed to democratic principles and actively engaged in the practice of democracy. The Center has reached more than 30 million students and their teachers since 1965. Learn more.

Center for Civic Education

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Calabasas, CA 91302

  Phone: (818) 591-9321

  Email: web@civiced.org

  Media Inquiries: cce@civiced.org

  Website: www.civiced.org

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