Teacher Tips (click tip for explanation)
Identify this section of the display as "Action Plan." This panel is dedicated to showing how your students plan to develop support for their policy proposal from individuals, community groups, and government.
Discuss and guide your whole class in completing the student worksheet, "Developing an Action Plan," found on page 33 of the student text. The "Action Plan" team will use these completed worksheets to compose the two-page, double-spaced summary for this section of the display.
Survey Results
Survey Results
If your survey provided an indication of community support, be sure to include that in your written summary. A graph of that support could be included on this panel.
Meeting Agendas
Meeting Agendas
If your students have actually put their plan into action, include photographs and agendas of meetings at which they have presented their proposed policy.
Letters of Support
Letters of Support
Statements of support from influential individuals, elected officials, and government agencies document that your students were actively involved in developing support for implementing their policy. These letters also may document the time your students have spent working on their project.
Petitions and Citizen Agreements
Petitions and Citizen Agreements
Petitions and signed agreements from citizens can be excellent tools in demonstrating to government leaders the level of community support for your proposed policy.
Bumper Stickers and Signs
Bumper Stickers and Signs
Design bumper stickers, pins, signs, and posters to inform people in your community about your project and proposed policy. Include the design on this panel.
Include photos on this panel of your group actively involved in gathering support for their policy proposal.
Bibliography or List of Sources
Bibliography or List of Sources
All sources of information used for this section of the project should be cited in a formal bibliography or an informal list of sources.
Portfolio Criteria Checklist
Portfolio Criteria Checklist
During the course of the project, have students refer to the "Project Citizen Portfolio Criteria Checklist (page 49 of the student text) to evaluate each panel and the portfolio as a whole to ensure that requirements are being met. Remind students that this checklist will be used by judges to evaluate their work.